Last Week of Work

Hard to believe that after 5 years I will be moving on to another day job in less than a week. As seems to be the case almost every time I do this it involves a move (selling the house) a baby – Stef is pregnant, of course the new job and then some spice like a...

New Site

For those of you who come directly to the blog just wanted to let you know that I have made the site a little more updated. (check it out) Moreover, with the changes to the job, I am selling the house, and yes I am doing it on my own for the third time! You can surf...

The Changing Times

So a chapter in my life is coming quickly to a close. I have been a Pastor here in Newmarket for 5 years as of May 1st. That is pretty much the longest I have ever been at any job, and although I am not trying to prove the Gen-X definition true, I am heading to...

Life’s Little Questions

The ebb and flow of life has been poetically described in so many ways. I do like the biblical metaphor of hills and the valleys. I think it is nearly impossible not to identify emotionally with that metaphor if you can breathe, and you have ever taken in more...

The Load

There are a few things I have been trying to do more of lately. I would say this year, but the way things have gone with work and family and music I didn’t really have a, “oh now it is 2007” kind of start. The beginning of December marked some...

An Interesting Season

Ironically I am not talking about Christmas, although what I am pondering is related – closely. Life throws many different things and experiences at you. I would have to say that I have not experienced anywhere close to the harsh or tragic things others I know...