Played a bit of Tiger Woods Golf on X Box with a buddy today – his house. I am not blessed with such a machine at this point in my life.

Things have been simutaneously viciously busy and kind of slow. So chilling out was a welcome respite.

The day job (being an Associate Pastor) is very important on many levels and has been nuts. I have been trying new things, continuing old things and generally working around the clock to get everything done.

The extra curricular things have been there but not to the degree I would like. As noted in some of my other blogs link I have been doing some speaking, a little consulting and a little singing. I have been hoping for a little more singing to come my way (yes I know I have to work at getting gigs), but it has not materialized so far this year.

There is a reflecting time going on in all of this as well. I am analyzing all of the things that I do and wondering if I am really supposed to be doing so many different things. It does not give me much time to reflect and write (songs poetry, and prose) or time to hear God as it were.

Not to be cliche, although to be cliche, I think I have become so busy I am not stopping long enough to listen to God. (you thought smell the flowers, admit it) That is a major thing. When you feel you have responsibility to be God’s representative on earth (really let’s face it, that’s what you are saying as a pastor) than even being too busy doing God’s work can be a problem. You have to hear to translate.

Alas, kind of random, but true. Going to bed. Trying to slow down and listen. I also recommend it – for anyone. Listening to God that is.


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