Man what a week. Started Sunday night with leading worship at The Church Coffee House and speaking there. Elder’s meeting Monday night, Conference Tuesday, lead worship Tuesday night 2 hours away (4 hours round trip), Conference Wednesday, rehearsal Wednesday night, and conference Thursday. I taught a seminar on worship on Wednesday at the conference.
Beyond that we are expecting another staff member to arrive this weekend and the last few weeks have been PM’ing the office reno etc. Moreover there is the short and long-term strategy, annual meeting and report, and audit. There is a lot there.
I am also entering the season of infrastructure changes to the church AV area. I have some amazing help there, but it is still my PM responsibility. The sound board went in this week and there will be many more changes coming, I will keep you posted.
Through it all, it is so important to keep the missional, big picture stuff at the forefront – with humility. That’s a constant gut check, a process that is never easy to go through. Through it all one thing – press on man, press on.