Dude, where to start.
I am the music pastor of a congregation of over 300 in the peak times. One thing I am learning is that we North Americans love to worship, but the leaders of said worship times need time. Perhaps in a way that is very opposite to everything else in a readi-made world, worship takes time. Singing, praying, meditating etc. all take time. 3 songs here, 2 songs there, annoucncements, video, drama, blah, blah, blah. What a joke. Much like the trend in preaching towards story telling, worship seems to go the way of emotional manipulation. Don’t get me wrong, worship is emotional, but is also intellectual. John talks about worshiping in spirit and in truth.
What I am finding is no rocket science. We need time, not manipulation (besides the normal energy builds and lulls that The Art’s supply). We need the truth of several songs and some prayer to sink in over several minutes to free the spirit to worship. 1 Song, announcments laced with story, 4 songs, a sermon and closer just don’t cut it. What are we trying to do, get through a modern day useless liturgy, or worship the Creator of the Universe? My vote is for the latter.