So the Club is playing this Wednesday night. Really excited about that. We have played less than we would have liked up to this point but the gigs have been evolving more and more into who we are. This Wednesday should be an amazing progression from Christmas as we continue to develop our sound. You can still get tickets I think. Click on the FTC link on the bar to the right and contact them if you are interested.
I think this year is going to be a very interesting and promising one. We will definitely be hosting another Christmas gig, but we will need a bigger venue, and it will be much more of a concert. We will also be hosting one or two other concerts in yet to be determined venues so you will have to keep posted.
This year is supposed to be the year for my next solo “pop” release. Next year should be the Jazz Club’s turn for a CD, so over time we will let you know how those plans are building.
Anyway, trying to write once or twice a week these days. I hope to see some of you out at the FTC gig. Good cause and it will be a great night.