Well yes. I continue on this road of self-discovery and feel that I am finally coming out of the valley of self deprecation. Sometimes I think the most challenging thing to do is take the 30,000 view of your own life, and wrestle with your own shortcomings from the perspective of committing to improvement.
My primary commitment in work life is to my role as Associate Pastor at the church I am employed at. That is not a particularly visionary look at life however. So what else makes up the journey. Many who come to my site and this blog are following the trip of the artist. How’s the CD going, what’s coming up in concert dates. The overall list isn’t long, but it has some fairly major implications:
1. Associate Pastor of rapidly growing church in Greater Toronto Area
2. Recording Artist with career needing much more investment of time
3. Regional Influencer for the Alliance Denomination in Eastern Ontario and technically out the East Coast (not including Quebec)
4. Consultant with various opportunities continuing to arise
So what is the big take away tonight. It is not about me. Rocket science eh. The hard part is number 2. It has always been the hard part for me. When I was in Heart Mind and soul (my old band), you weren’t promoting yourself, your were talking about this entity. It was more easily about sharing an authentic vision of God and Jesus through music. That is still the vision, but now, there is no name to hide behind. Hey I am Cliff Cline and I am good. Bring me in, let me inspire you etc. Lot of me in something that is not about me. Very difficult existential wrestling match all of the time.
On the other fronts, and inclusive of number 2, I have had a personal breakthrough. Develop others. Tonnes of others. Everybody that I work with now, and those who I do not yet know. Make them into the best disciples of Jesus Christ, the best promoters of a Godly vision as possible, and multiply the work and the vision of my big visionary areas aggressively.
It is freeing to see that possibility going forward. Much to be done, and oh, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Charge!!