I remember reading a motivational piece years ago that talked about learning new things, and in a sense, taking risks to do so. The example the story gave was a fellow who mused to a piano-teacher friend how he would like to learn to play piano. His friend mentioned that it takes 10 years to become proficient in piano, but it starts to become enjoyable fairly early on in that journey. Ten years later, the two were chatting again and the conversation came to that same point. You know what the teacher said. If his friend had started when they had their last conversation on the matter, he would be playing well today.
I have always wanted to produce, over the last several years I have purchased the equipment and learned and produced several things including a full CD, Buried Thoughts. Since I was a teenager I wanted to play guitar. About 10 years ago I traded in my trumpet and bought an acoustic guitar. I lead worship, perform and record on guitar now. Last week, after years of wanting to try electric guitar, I purchased a very inexpensive electric guitar. Time to learn a new style and technique.
Here is the thing. All the way a long there have been many people who have discouraged me from trying. People better at producing, or playing etc, and you know what, they are still better than me. Two things though, I have learned to do several things that I couldn't do before, and it makes me incredibly happy!!
What things do you want to try in life? The fact that U2 exists, that Chris Tomlin is out there etc., didn't stop me from growing. I don't need anyone to tell me they are amazing and better than me. On the other hand, I also don't have to accept that because I am not at that level, I should not try at all. Not everything we want to try needs to be about reaching the top. In fact, most of us will not reach the top at anything. But happiness and success can be defined many different ways. I set goals to become proficient, to grow, and to enjoy. I have achieved those goals and want to continue to improve.
What new thing do you want to try? Make a plan to start. Don't let others discourage you, after all, it is not about them.
For the record, I am not talking about major life change here either, although it might be valid to take steps on big picture things, that does take more buy-in from spouses etc. But little things can become significant. So write that book, blog, paint that picture, take that course, take up golf….to Nike-i-FY….just do it!