Nike really has something there and most of us know it, but ironically, few of us do it.
Here is my ten cents. Just doing it is often the culmination of time and little efforts rather than one great idea or success. The Bible describes it as “running the race in such a way as to win the prize” (paraphrased).
Personal experience and learning from others has taught me that chipping away at strategic, focussed task and project lists produces results.
One of the key points here is forward momentum. Inevitably we all have bad days, sometimes weeks, but you have to avoid the months. Finding a way to get back in the routine of getting things done, the little important things like touching base with clients and friends, delivering on commitments, even self care like exercise and rejeuvenation all adds up to balance ,and success.
My favourite expression from many musicians is how they became an overnight success after 10 years. 10 years of just doing it.