I have been involved in leading a “post-modern” service at our church for about a year now. link It has been a stretching and growing experience for me in many ways. I am slowly seeing the volunteer base grow, but more importantly I feel like we have begun to develop our own spiritual growth path. Doing the sermons or talks has been great and challenging. I personally find the core reason to talk/teach the Bible is to actually move ahead with the teaching. Key words, moving ahead. The biggest challenge personally and corporately is to engage to the level where there is actually noticeable forward movement.
Last night we spoke about the persistent widow in Luke 18. Consistent dogged prayer to God for justice. Our practical moment was to try and pray constantly for one thing for the next two weeks seeking God for movement towards a resolution. One hundred times a day – one thing. I know I have to walk the talk on this one – as with everything – but this is specific. I have a discipline to practice and “report on”.
Biggest moment for me in the last while. If one is not growing, participation is still not enough. A fruit tree which is alive but dormant is still useless as a fruit tree. A Christian that is alive but not bearing fruit…
Off we grow.