This year is definitely been a year to write home about from an earthly perspective. My goals were to finish and release a CD (done), begin and Post Modern Gathering at my local church (done), begin my Masters degree (first course done) and Executive Produce a compilation CD (oops, not done).
So much of what I so revolves around my day job as a pastor. My main public face is that of music guy, but truefully I have a passion for leadership in the sense that I have many ideas about how things should go, and love to inlfuence people towards accompishing my visions and passions. This, of course, is helpful in that I have all kinds of artistic visions, and unlike many artisits, I think, I am learning and accomplishing more as I blend my artistic and leadership gifts. Moreover, I find that God has provided many opportunities and friendships with wildly talented people to achieve the goals that I think he has instilled in me.
The producer of my latest CD and I have developed a great and strong friendship/partnership an have begun to discuss grander vision of how me might positively influence and develop the Canadian Christian landscape in music. Cetainly we are not original thinkers on this front, but it is the very burgeoning landscape of the Candian Christian music scene that I think will give us the ability to accomplish something. Time will tell, keep you posted.