I suppose everybody needs it. I am currently playing golf with four buddies, new and old, in Florida. The weather is brilliant; hot and humid, just the way I like it.
I sitting on the balcony of my friends apartment overlooking the pool, listening to the fountain, while they all sleep (and I am the oldest?) and contemplating life, as I too often do, here and elsewhere I am sure.
So I just turned 40, might as well get that out there, and the natural self actilualization content is brewing: have I done enough, what is the measure of success, what makes a man so to speak?
I know a few things: knowing God and living a life that shows that means a tonne (for me sadly, always great room for improvement), loving my wife, and making her feel stellar is radically important, loving my kids and showing them 1 & 2, and lastly, finding a way to do one and two and stay focussed on the Great Commission.
That isn’t everything, but it is a start to the next ten years of bucket list. Songs will follow.