So it is February…how did January go? Did you start working out? Are you still working out? Did you ship anything? Did you start your way to your goals for this year? If you haven't done anything or much, do not give in to discouragement. Today is the day to analyze what is keeping you from one of your goals. When you discover it, you have not discovered an obstacle, you have found your key to success. Develop a plan to go around or through it, and get something done on that front this next week.
If you have started down the road and are succeeding, celebrate, enjoy! Then do the same analysis, except if you have broken down an obstacle, make sure you know how. Don't let the old way creep back in because you have succeeded. Stay firm, build good on good, and re-commit to doing more this month. The process is to create right actions incrementally towards the greater idea or goal.
The next 11 months are going to be brilliant, own what you want to accomplish.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

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