The last few years have been ones of intensive growth. Thankfully, the majority of that learning has originated from the Bible, but I have found the experiences of others interaction with scripture has helped me learn more, and hopefully faster, than if I stared at the Bible in a vacuum. You can look at my book list for some of my reading, I have several more books I am into that I need to add to that list.
One thing I read last night was a monograph by Jim Collins on leading in the social sectors. In essence it was an extrapolation of his Good to Great book for organizations like churches, hospitals etc. His end conclusions were not changed from his book just tweaked. Rather than really do a poor job of summarizing a 30 page monograph, I suggest a quick read if this subject is of interest.
One of the hardest things I have had to learn over the past few years is the [un]-importance of being right.
The one exception I will make to this is the importance of defending Biblical truth, but the how to and what is a very long and intensely dense discussion that this blog would trivialize.
So what do I mean? I suppose I continue to learn more, and realize the brilliance (or lack thereof) of many people. Some whom I know and many of who I look to to learn, read, etc. A lesson that Jim Collins learned in writing his book was that the qualities of greatness in a great leader are humility and an uncompromising desire to see the mission accomplished.
I think humility is so important, and I have had to learn that on issues not involving biblical truth that it is my pride that drives me to be right. It is arrogance and a desire to be seen as superior or worthy that causes me to defend myself or my decisions. Leadership requires a response to some things – it just does. But other times it requires a trust that God is in control and may, in fact, defend you to others. If you let Him He may actually correct you too. I think I have experienced both sides of that learning, but the Bible says that God disciplines those he loves. Let’s just say I feel loved!
As with other very personal, very public issues of how you are to others in a public arena, I think your reputation precedes you most places you go. Moreover, these things can positively change as you let God take hold of you, to transform you. I am so thankful that others have seen growth in my life and that I too have experienced growth. The great part about it is that I attribute the positive change to God, because I have looked to God to help, and then the change has occurred. It is part of how I express God, by identifying the work He has done in my life through specific interaction with Him and His Son Jesus through the Holy Spirit.
Anyway, I haven’t written a learning blog for a while. I hope this helps. One thing I know is that I need to keep growing in humility. I think to encourage any of my readers to do the same is a safe bit of Biblical advice. I know it is an endearing quality on earth, and I also know that God loves it too!