I actually wrote "Beautiful For You" a little over a year ago. I was at a music conference in Nashville and David Nasser was one of the speakers. He spoke passionately about the issue of adoption. He actually had an interesting way of looking at it.
He first talked about how the church is the bride of Christ. He used that metaphor to illustrate how a bride goes to great length to look amazing for the bridegroom. (please note, this is not to say we need to anything to earn salvation, which is a free gift from God through Jesus) That being said, the church does have a mission. First we believe in Christ and then that belief leads to adopting His teaching. When we adopt His teaching and live it out pragmatically it is a beautiful sight to Jesus the bridegroom.
He then applied this message to the issue of adoption. His bent was on the USA and Canada, but he ultimately pointed out how the church in the USA and Canada has the resources and families of appropriate age to completely adopt all the children of all ages that need families. If we would rise up and do that, wouldn't that be beautiful to Jesus.
Lastly he said that the cause needed advocates and those who could actually do it. Songwriters and artists to make the issue known to those who don't, who could then be part of showing love to those who are without a permanent family situation.
So it took me a while to produce this song, but I am proud of it. I think it has a great message and purpose, and I would love if it could help make a difference. For now an advocate, we will see what the future holds.
The iTunes link on my blogs or website will take you to the song for a listen.