I really appreciate those of you who have continued to read this blog after I, well, didn't ship what was promised. Three songs by the end of June. Hopefully the latest CD, "Buried Thoughts" is sustaining you for now.The irony, of course, is that I have been in a very creative time where I have written 3 new songs and even "shipped" one by recording a demo, charting, and leading it in church. The reality is, however, that in music, creation is the first phase of the shipping process, and for the most part the easiest. Producing something worthy of purchase is more difficult, especially in this day and age.
So I must humbly change my shipping goal. One song by the end of August. It will be available to purchase as a single via CD Baby by then, and by iTunes a few days or weeks later. Depends on iTunes.
I am very excited by this song, it's message is strong and different is some ways for me, and I will endeavour to tell its story with it to give it context.
Alright, 11 days…….

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

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