This past weekend was amazing, I taught a workshop Saturday morning, had some great chill time with the family in the afternoon and evening, led worship at church for two services Sunday morning, a great lunch with new friends after church, cooked home made potato soup for dinner (easier then it sounds), and finished mastering the January Song of the Month which will be available for download soon….I will let you know.
I know I can’t keep things this intense all the time. The weekend felt like several steps, not one, but as tired as I was last night going to bed…I was energized.
My three revealed goals for this year (so far):
- Produce a song a month
- Be happy
- Get bigger – Be more to do more..
Number one is very pragmatic…just do it. Number two is how I am finding the energy to break through walls. Negative walls of fatigue, self-doubt, doubting my abilities, wondering if anyone will buy my music. But being positive and optimistic is helping me “get bigger”, helping me believe I can do more, expand my territory as it were.
Why do I share this with you? Two reasons, because you are are reading this. The more I write, the more of you show up, and I am putting pressure on myself to not fail. It is all down here in black and white. I have said it, now I must do it…I must! Secondly, I am trying to grow and learn, and I feel like I am on a positive Godly road. Perhaps there are some encouragements for you here, and if this spurs you on to be bigger, happier and accomplish something positive in your life that you are passionate about, then I will be overjoyed!!