Well they are trending for me anyway. As I look on CD Baby to see what people are listening to and buying it is interesting.

One of my more recent singles, I Want to Tell You, is getting some interest and play. I love this song, because it is a love song to my wife of almost 18 years!! Really simple production, I was going for Jack Johnston/ Colbie Callait. They are brilliant, I am trying….:)

Here is the iTunes Link:

I Want to Tell You

And then there is But to God. I wrote this at Muskoka Woods Sports Resort when I was teaching a course on songwriting. I suppose appropriate that I was in the mode. Get this though, over 20 years ago. I still think it is one of the best songs I have written.

I first recorded it with Heart, Mind and Soul, but we were big-time before iTunes. I then recorded it on my first solo CD.

Here is the link:

But to God

Although “professionally” retired, I am starting record again and am very excited about my next single. It is a labour of love, but with some sales comes the ability to upgrade equipment and continue  bringing new songs to the table….do peruse!!

I am alive. Over the next several weeks and months I will be re-engaging with this blog and the reason behind it, to share art that moves people towards their Creator.


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