So last night I came home from a board meeting and had barely sat own with Stef before I heard some pretty severe rain and wind. I ran to the back deck just in time to see our umbrella from our table a story above the deck, and two above the ground. We also HAD a tent covering thingy, which we struggled in some sideways rain and wind to quickly dissemble but to no avail, it was snapped in a place or two as we tried, and our deck anyway, looks like a disaster.
Overall it seems that we came out really good, just $100 to the bad, I heard that houses relatively close to us got somewhat hammered.
Tomorrow after work I am taking off with the family for a break, a vacation induced long weekend. I do not get many Sundays off (about five a year) so I will be back to do worship on Sunday morning at Valley View, but it will be great to have a couple of days of down time.