Another great Sunday at Forestview leading the music part of the worship. Introduced a new chorus that I wrote based on some learning I have been doing from the current sermon series. I have a rough demo done, but I find myself wishing these days that I had a band that could lay down a nice version of the song in a day or less, or that I had the time to program the whole thing. I will work to get it and the other songs done asap.
On a similar note I was reading worship leader magazine this week and there was an article on the lack of enthusiam/participation during public servies in the singing and worship time. The perspective given was great and counter-cultural. My take on it is this. Singing worship songs publicly is odd. When fully engaged (something I think rarely happens en masse) we are singing at the top of lungs to a God we do not physically see. It would be humbling to do that to a king on earth that we do see, how much more to gather and do it to what appears to be air.
But that’s just it, isn’t it. The process is about pleasing God. Although I believe the response from God is one we benefit from, I believe that our only goal coming in should be to please God. Think about this. If we truly believe that we serve the God of the universe, it does not matter how we arrive to worship.Whether poor, sick or hurting, or properous, healthy and happy, God is still our answer, our provider, our healer, our friend and our life-giver.