How Do You Relax?

The last several months have been a lead up to this year for me. Long hours when combining all things together, day job, music, church activity etc. The reality is that there is no end in sight. I see this pace for the next 10 years at least. That’s a marathon....

Point – Counterfact

As I continue to grow and learn on the subject of how to be happier (one of my goals for this year) I thought I would pass on a practical highlight again from the book I am working through by Shawn Anchor (The Happiness Advantage). A counterfact is an imaginary...

Snow Day Reflection

So it is February…how did January go? Did you start working out? Are you still working out? Did you ship anything? Did you start your way to your goals for this year? If you haven't done anything or much, do not give in to discouragement. Today is the day to...