Rick Warren In Toronto

So I did end up leading worship for a Rick Warren event last night. Wow, that already seems like so long ago. It was an intimate event and it was certainly last minute from the putting together the music standpoint. In the end, the event was most likely life changing....

Growing Up!

It is my firstborn’s Birthday today, she turns 7!! They grow up – fast. Funny how at 7 the parties go from family, and well that’s it, to seven different occasions at all the families houses and of course the HUGE friends birthday party. Honestly it...

Leading Worship with Rick Warren

I have confirmed today that I will be leading worship for a service where Rick Warren will be speaking that is coming together in Toronto around the massive aids convention (link). For those of you who are unfamiliar with Rick Warren, he has become more and more...

Sorry, I was wrong

I don’t know if I have ever been so humbled by how stupid I am. You see, I believe in Jesus Christ (that’s not the stupid or wrong part). For years now I have called the place where I gather with other believers church. The building we meet in church. I...

Tough Times

I think one of things that is most perplexing today, for me anyway, is how much time we as Christians spend debating morality, politics etc. My take on that is that we end up defining ourselves by what we do not believe in, rather than what we do believe in.An example...