Be Brave – Keep Growing

I remember reading a motivational piece years ago that talked about learning new things, and in a sense, taking risks to do so. The example the story gave was a fellow who mused to a piano-teacher friend how he would like to learn to play piano. His friend mentioned...

Big Plans

I read a lot of Seth Godin, especially his blog. I resonate with today's post on making big plans. Big plans do create pressure, and although I bragged about pushing through, I have ended up hitting some snags in the release process this week. Very draining. I...

The Marathon Wall

OK, I have never run a marathon, not even close, but I have read about the wall one hits late in a marathon. Learning how to break through the wall is essential to finishing the race. I am not sure if I should be concerned or not, but I feel like I have just broken...

Lead Yourself

It has been noted many places, by many more notable than I, that a core characteristic of leaders is their ability to make quick decisions. The thing that makes them a leader is that they are far more often right than wrong. Those who are fighting change, or simply...

From the Studio

Another great night of recording, I think I have finished tracking for the February song of the month. It most likely won't be available until late next week. Completely different sound and feel from the January song (Beautiful For You) which is available for...

The Church Organization or Organism?

I love how learning can build on learning. I have always been uncomfortable with the thought that the church is primarily an organism rather than an organization. Years ago, when I was a pastor coming into the church from the financial services industry, I was...

Pushing Through

Does it feel like sometimes the world is against you? The circumstances are just not helping you get things done? I think it is all about perspective and having a longer view. I just lost a night and a day to sickness, and in the process slept 18 hours straight. That...

A Social {Networking} Experiment

One of the sub-themes I am trying to be transparent about on this blog is my current musical journey. My goal this year to produce a song a month has wrapped in it two larger goals. The primary goal is of creation, forcing myself to get the many songs I have competed...

How Do You Relax?

The last several months have been a lead up to this year for me. Long hours when combining all things together, day job, music, church activity etc. The reality is that there is no end in sight. I see this pace for the next 10 years at least. That’s a marathon....

Point – Counterfact

As I continue to grow and learn on the subject of how to be happier (one of my goals for this year) I thought I would pass on a practical highlight again from the book I am working through by Shawn Anchor (The Happiness Advantage). A counterfact is an imaginary...
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