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A short little one stop tour, my specialty I suppose, to Windsor ON and back to Heritage Park Alliance Church where I visited last year. Great fun to go back to a place where you have been before. Saw most of the folk that I worked with last year and then met some...


So it has finally happened, a Honda that I owned broke. I am on my fourth Honda, 3 of four that I have purchased I have obtained used. The mini-van which is the bus for our family (four kids for those who do not remember) had its transmission die. Apparently this was...


I don’t know if I have ever laid out the gear that is the base of my home studio. The guts of it is a MacBook Pro laptop fully tricked out running Logic Express from Apple. That in itself was a massive decision point for me. Should I get something like a desktop...

Too Late to be Up

But I could not help it!! Man am I blessed, four kids!! Four kids!! All beautiful because they take after my wife, and all such a blessing from God. So the next part of this will seem strange, but I had to stay up and work a little. On what you ask? College and...

A New Boy!

So my lovely wife produced another gorgeous child, this one a boy last Friday very early, and we are six. Wow. Four beautiful children. I tool a couple days off work to help with the adjustment, and as usual the fam is helping out a tonne with the transition as well....

The Coming Year?

Traditionally I would have cause to be thinking big thoughts as it pertains to life and direction etc. at the end of calendar year, like most. This past transitional phase, however, has led to the need to be in constant evaluation of what is going on. Work is...